¢ This unit is designed for negative ground - Note on amplifier and program source12 volt DC operation only. connection¢ Before making connections, disconnect the The red jacks of the unit are for right-channel- ground terminal of the car battery to avoid connection and the white jacks for the left-short circuits. channel.¢ Connect the yellow power input lead onlyafter all other leads are connected. Andbe |sure to connect it to the positive 12 volt powerterminal.e Run all ground wires to a common groundpoint.=p |A]<==tFuse(3.15 A) REMOTEPower amplifierCar audiooPower amplifierREM OUT|YellowL$@668666066 Black mtREMOTEEYellow PoweramplifierBlue/white striped REMOTETo the © (positive) terminal of the car batteryTo a metal part of the carTo the © (positive) terminal which is energized whenthe ignition key is turned in the accessory positionIii Front speakersIfi Rear speakersifitSubwoofers ©