T_ prevent internal heat buildup, do not block tt_e ventilationopenings,Do not in_alI the TV in a hol or humid place, or in a place subject toexcessive du_ or mechanical vibr_ionAvoid operating _e TV at temperatures hetow 5°_ 4I°FbIt'the TV is transported directly from a cold to a warm location or ifthe room temperature changes suddenly, the picture maI be blurredor show poor color due m moisture condensagon In Ibis case, pleasewait a few bouts to let _e molsmre evaporate be_re turning on _cTVTo obtain the hem p_cturc, do not expose the screei1 to directillumma on or direct sunh_ht fii_ recommended to use spolhghting directed down from the ceiling or to cover the windows that_ce _e screen with opaque ar_pe_ It is desiral_le to install the T'_in a room where _e fioor and walls are nol of a reflective materi_As an ENERGY StAR _'_Partner, SonyCorporation has determined thai this productmeets the EN_ROY SIAR _ gtddellnes forenergy efflcienc)The lhllowing SONY appliance(s) lhr use onl) with the tbllowing TVSTAND or WALL-HANGING RACK 'LJNIT U se with other TV STAN Dor WALL-HANGING RACK UNIT is capable el resutgng in instabilitycausing possible injury.SONY APPLIANCE MODEL NOKDE42XBR950 PDM-42 t 01KDE50XBR950 PDM-5( I0KDE61XBR950 PDM-61HfiSONY TABLE TOP STAND MODEL NO.SU-P42T2 for PDM-4210SU-P5fiT2 for PDM-50t 0/6110'SONY WALL-MOUNT BRACKET MODEL NOSU-PW2 fbr PDM-4210/5010/611 {EN÷ R W StAR _'_ is a l.J S. regisTm_d malkCAUTIONHow to reduce the ask of"lmage Retention" ol your TVBiight, starfonary images such as TV stagon logos displayed oil yourPV can cause permanenl aamage to your TV. resulting m remnnon oithe image in the picture. Please take the _bllowing steps To reduce therisk ot causing lnlag{ retch,ionView a variety oi progrmn sources or progeammmg material.Image retention can occur when blight stationary images such as TVst atlon togos are viewed. Changing the program ma_erm_ weweareduces the posslbihty that a single image will become impnntetl onthe picture tubes in your TVWhen viewing programs wid_ stationary images, adjust the picturesemng m reduce the '_Pict ure" and "Brighmess" levels Imageretention is accelerated by higher _'Brighmess" and higher "Picture"sel[lngsPlease see page 96 for instructions on adjusting picture settings.Phis will help you reduce the risk of caualng mlagl re_ennonIMAGE RETENTION IS NOT COVERED BY YOUR WARRANTYSONY FLOATING STAND MODEL NO.SU-PF1 for PDM-4210/5010SU-PF1L for PDM-6110SuI_icient expemse ts l_quired for installing d_e specified product Be sureT( subcontract the in.all.ion to Son) dealers or contr_etors and p_*yadequate anennon To satety doring the mstall_ionPruSmround. SRS and the [_)" symbol are trademarks of SRS Labs. Inc.rmSurround technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs. Inc.BBE and BBE Symbol are trademarks of BBE Sound. [nc and are hcensedby BBE Sound. lnc under US Patent No 4.638.258 and 4.482._imSTeady Sound, Digital Reality O_atlon, Caprmn Vision. CmeMofion.Memory Stick and Twin View are registered trademarks of SonyCorporation. ClearEdge VM. HD Detailer. and Unitbrm Brightness Screenare m_demarks of Sony Corporanon