STR-DN84067Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description56 NO_USE - Not used57 INITX - Video Micom reset port58 NW_SPI_DIN I NETWORK SPI Data In59 NW_SPI_DOUT O NETWORK SPI Data Out60 NW_SPI_CLK O NETWORK SPI Clock61 NO_USE - Not used62 NO_USE - Not used63 NW_PWR O NETWORK power signal output terminal64 NO_USE - Not used65 NO_USE - Not used66 NW_SPI_REQ I NETWORK SPI Request67 NO_USE - Not used68 NW_SPI_READY I NETWORK SPI Ready69 NO_USE - Not used70 NO_USE - Not used71 NW_WAKEUP O NETWORK Wakeup72 NO_USE - Not used73 USB_PCONT O USB regulator control signal output terminal74 USB_OVC I USB over current signal input terminal75 NO_USE - Not used76 NO_USE - Not used77 NO_USE - Not used78 1.8V_PCONT O HDMI ADV 18V CONT79 NO_USE - Not used80 NO_USE - Not used81 NO_USE - Not used82 NO_USE - Not used83 NO_USE - Not used84 MD1 - UCOM Mode setting terminal85 MD0 - UCOM Mode setting terminal86 X0 - Clock signal output (4MHz)87 X1 - Clock signal output (4MHz)88 VSS - Ground terminal89 VCC - Power supply pin (+3.3V)90 UPDATE_LED O USB Update: USB Update LED Control / NW Update LED Control91 NW_ADC_RST - Network ADC RESET92 NO_USE - Not used93 NON_LPCM O HDMI: Non LPCM Stream Info Line Notification94 NO_USE - Not used95 TEST_SDA I/O HDMI IIC test port96 TEST_SCK O HDMI IIC test port97 MU_RST O USB Update: USB Update Main Micom Reset98 MU_MD0 O USB Update: USB Update Main Micom MD0 Select99 BT_PCONT O Bluetooth: Power control for BT device100 BT_VURX_BTTX I Bluetooth: UART Tx on Video uCOM to BT device101 BT_VUTX_BTRX O Bluetooth: UART Rx on Video uCOM from BT device102 NO_USE - Not used103 VUCTSIN_BTRTS I Bluetooth: CTS on Video uCOM104 VURTSOUT_BTCTS O Bluetooth: RTS on Video uCOM105 BT_RST O Bluetooth: RESET for BT device106 AVCC - Analog power supply pin for A/D converter107 AVRH - Standard power supply pin for A/D converter108 AVSS - Analog ground for A/D converter109 VSS - Ground terminal110 VURX I Communication data with MAIN Micom: Receive data111 VUTX_VU_SDA O Communication data with MAIN Micom: Transmit data