68Before Using the TerminalMulti-tap inputTap the same key continuously to enter theassigned character.To enter a character assigned to the samekey, wait for changing color of tapped keyto the original (approx. 1 second), thenenter the next character (for entering thenext character soon, tap to move thecursor). With the key in the original color,tap to enter the last entered characteragain.Ex: To enter " "a Tap " " onceuWait approximately 1second (until the key color returns tothe original).b Tap " " 5 times.ora Tap " " onceu(immediately) .b Tap " " 5 times.On the character entry screen, double-tapcharacter you want to edit so that text editmenu appears at the top of the screen. Dragor to change the character string toselect.❖InformationTo paste a copied or cut character string, touch andhold a position where you want to insertuTap[PASTE]. When text is already entered, tap a positionwhere you want to insertu uTap [PASTE].Edit menu icons vary by applications.In the landscape screen, editing menu may not bedisplayed.On some applications, the function may not beavailable.Editing text(Select all) Select all text.(Cut) Cut a selected character string.(Copy) Copy a selected character string.(Paste) Paste a copied/cut characterstring.(Complete) Close the edit menu.