4-2. CIRCUIT BOARDS LOCATIONtuner unitDISC IN SW boardDISPLAY boardLOAD SW boardSERVO boardMAIN boardLIMIT SW boardSUB boardNote on Schematic Diagram:• All capacitors are in μF unless otherwise noted. pF: μμF50 WV or less are not indicated except for electrolyticsand tantalums.• All resistors are in Ω and 1 / 4 W or less unless otherwisespecified.Note: The components identified by mark ! or dotted linewith mark ! are critical for safety.Replace only with part number specified.• U : B+ Line.• H : adjustment for repair.• Power voltage is dc 14.4V and fed with regulated dc powersupply from ACC and BATT cords.• Voltage and waveforms are dc with respect to groundunder no-signal conditions.no mark : CD PLAY∗ : Impossible to measure• Voltages are taken with a VOM (Input impedance 10 MΩ).Voltage variations may be noted due to normal productiontolerances.• Waveforms are taken with a oscilloscope.Voltage variations may be noted due to normal productiontolerances.• Circled numbers refer to waveforms.• Signal path.J : CD– 21 – – 22 –• Waveforms (MODE:PLAY)1234567Approx. 620mVp-pIC2 1 (FEO)0VIC2 #¡ (RFO)1.2Vp-pApprox. 200mVp-pIC2 $™ (TEO)0VIC1 3 (MDP)2.6Vp-p7.6μsecIC1 @º (LRCK)5.8Vp-p22.7μsecIC1 @™ (BCK)5.7Vp-p474nsec16.89MHzIC1 #¢ (XTAI)3.2Vp-p