Chapter 3Exchanging and updating data using a HotSync®operationThis chapter describes how to select HotSync® operation options and how to performa HotSync operation via cradle, infrared communications port, or network. Otheradvanced HotSync operations include how to use multiple CLIE handhelds, how touse file link functions, and how to import data from Windows applications.ContentsWhat is a HotSync® operation? ................................................................113Performing a local HotSync® operation with the cradle ........................... 114Using the Palm™ Desktop for CLIE software ............................................ 116Starting the Palm Desktop for CLIE software ........................................ 116Basic operations of the Palm Desktop for CLIE software ....................... 116Locating the Palm Desktop for CLIE components .................................. 117Advanced HotSync® operations ...............................................................118Setting the HotSync® setup options ....................................................118Customizing HotSync application settings (Conduit) ............................. 120Creating a user profile to control multiple CLIE handhelds .................... 122Conducting an IR HotSync operation ....................................................124Conducting a HotSync operation via modem ........................................ 127Conducting a HotSync operation via a network .................................... 133Importing data from a Windows application ......................................... 136