17GBEnd User License AgreementIMPORTANT NOTICEThe following “END USER LICENSEAGREEMENT” applies to the USB FloppyDisk Drive Device Driver software provided bySony. Please read the following “END USERLICENSE AGREEMENT” before installing.By installing the device driver software, youagree to the “END USER LICENSEAGREEMENT”.END USER LICENSE AGREEMENTThis is a legal agreement between you(hereafter referred to as the User) and SonyCorporation (hereafter referred to as Sony)pertaining to the right to use the USB FloppyDisk Drive Device Driver software (hereafterreferred to as the PROGRAM). Using thePROGRAM indicates your acceptance of theseterms and conclusion of the Agreementbetween the User and Sony.1 Copyright and all other rights relating to thePROGRAM and documents accompanyingthe PROGRAM are owned by Sony or theoriginal rightful person or organization(hereafter referred to as the original rightfulperson) granting Sony the right to use thePROGRAM. The User is granted no rightsother than those specified in this agreement.2 Sony grants the User the non-exclusive,indivisible and non-transferable right to usethe PROGRAM for the purpose of using theSony product “USB floppy disk drive” forwhich the PROGRAM designates.3 The User may not transfer the Right of Usedescribed above to any third party nor allowfor any third party to use the PROGRAMunless the User obtains the advance writtenpermission of Sony.4 The User may not export or transport thePROGRAM or documents accompanying thePROGRAM from the country where the Userinstalled the PROGRAM to any othercountry.5 The User may not (i) update, add to, ormodify nor (ii) de-assemble or de-compilethe PROGRAM either in whole or in part.6 THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED “AS IS”WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDINGWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE OR NON-DEFECTIVENESS.7 If any dispute relating to infringement ofcopyright, patent, or other intangible propertyrights arises between the User and a thirdparty as a consequence of use of thePROGRAM, the User shall settle the disputeat the User’s own expense, and shall make noclaim against Sony or the original rightfulperson.8 Sony may terminate your license upon noticefor failure to comply with any of theseTerms. Any such termination shall not affectany payments, any compensation for damage.Upon termination, you must immediatelydestroy the Software together with all copiesin any form.9 This Agreement has several non-Englishlanguage versions for the reference purposeonly. In the event of any discrepancybetween the English language version andany other language version, the Englishlanguage version shall prevail.