16HCD-GX355/GX555/RG270/RG475/RG575SECTION 4TEST MODEMC COLD RESETThe cold reset clears all data including preset data stored in theRAM to initial conditions. Execute this mode when returning theset to the customer.Procedure:1. Press three buttons of x , [ILLUMINATION] and [DISC 1]simultane-ously.2. The message “COLD RESET” is displayed on the fluorescentindicator tube momentarily, then becomes standby states.AM TUNING INTERVAL CHANGE-OVER(Except AEP, UK, East European, Russian models)A step of AM tuning interval can be changed over between 9 kHzand 10 kHz.Procedure:1. Press the I/1 button to turn the power on.2. Press the [TUNER/BAND] button to select “AM”.3. Press the I/1 button to turn the power off.4. Press two buttons of [PLAY MODE/TUNING MODE] and I/1simultaneously.5. The message “AM 9K STEP” or “AM 10K STEP” is displayedon the fluorescent indicator tube, and thus the channel step ischanged over.CD SHIP (LOCK) MODEThis mode moves the optical pick-up to the position durable tovibration. Use this mode when returning the set to the customerafter repair.Procedure:1. Press the I/1 button to turn the power on.2. Press the [CD] button to select “CD”.3. Press two buttons of [CD] and [POWER] simultaneously.4. The message “LOCK” is displayed on the fluorescent indicatortube, and the CD ship mode is set.CD SHIP (LOCK) MODE & COLD RESETThis mode is used to perform CD chip (lock) mode and cold resetsimultaneously.Procedure:1. Press the I/1 button to turn the power on.2. Press the [CD] button to select “CD”.3. Press three buttons of x , [CD] and [DISPLAY] simultaneously.4. The message “COLD RESET” is displayed on the fluorescentindicator tube momentarily, then becomes standby states.CD TRAY LOCK MODEThis mode is used to unable to take sample disc out of tray in theshop.Procedure:1. Press the I/1 button to turn the power on.2. Press the [CD] button to select “CD”.3. Load a disc and press two buttons of x and Z for 5 seconds.4. The message “LOCKED” is displayed on the fluorescentindicator tube and the CD tray is locked. (Even if pressingthe Z button, the message “LOCKED” is displayed on thefluorescent indicator tube and the CD tray is locked)5. To release this mode, press two buttons of x and Z for 5seconds.6. The message “UNLOCKED” is displayed on the fluorescentindicator tube and the CD tray is unlocked.AMP TEST MODEThis mode is used to display the parameter of amplifier IC anddisplay the VACS status.Procedure:1. Press the I/1 button to turn the power on.2. Press three buttons of x , [ILLUMINATION] and [PRESET EQ]simultaneously.3. When the AMP test mode is activated, the message “AMPTEST IN” is displayed on the fluorescent indicator tubemomentarily, then amplifier adjustment mode is displayed onthe fluorescent indicator tube.4. Press the [DISPLAY] button to changed over between VACSstatus display mode and the amplifier IC parameter displaymode.5. In this mode, press the [GROOVE] button to changed overDBFB on/off, and “DBFB ON” or “DBFB OFF” is displayedon the fluorescent indicator tube.6. In this mode, press the [SURROUND] button to changed oversurround on/off, and “SURROUND ON” or “SURROUNDOFF” is displayed on the fluorescent indicator tube.7. In this mode, press the [EQ BAND] button to enter the equalizeradjustment mode.In the equalizer adjustment mode, press the [EQ BAND] buttonto change over the adjustment band as LOW/MID/HIGH. Andturn the [ --- EQ + ]Ll knob to adjust the equalizer level ofeach bands.8. To release the amplifier IC parameter display mode or equalizeradjustment mode, press the I/1 button to the power off.