00062Mix1 pattern1Wipe8 patterns2 34 56 78 9PinP33 patternsPattern icons for HD angle of viewP1 P2 P3P4 P5 P6P7 P8 P9P10 P11 P12P13 P14 P15Pattern icons for HD angle of viewSelect these when you want to shift the row Amaterial to the right or left.P16 P17 P18P19 P20 P21P22 P23 P24P25Pattern icons for SD angle of viewP26 P27 P28P29 P30 P31P32 P33Chroma key5 patternsC1 C2C3 C4C5Luminance key1 patternL1Chapter 8: AppendixTransition and Composite Patterns ListTransition patterns(BKGD mode)Composite patterns(EFFECT mode)Register transition patterns and composite patterns to the [BKGD] menu and [EFFECT menu respectively to enable use.For details on registration, see “Customizing the Pattern Icons” (page 39).