GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 51Appendixesyou do not accept this License. Therefore, bymodifying or distributing the Program (orany work based on the Program), youindicate your acceptance of this License to doso, and all its terms and conditions forcopying, distributing or modifying theProgram or works based on it.6. Each time you redistribute the Program (orany work based on the Program), therecipient automatically receives a licensefrom the original licensor to copy, distributeor modify the Program subject to these termsand conditions. You may not impose anyfurther restrictions on the recipients' exerciseof the rights granted herein. You are notresponsible for enforcing compliance bythird parties to this License.7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment orallegation of patent infringement or for anyother reason (not limited to patent issues),conditions are imposed on you (whether bycourt order, agreement or otherwise) thatcontradict the conditions of this License, theydo not excuse you from the conditions of thisLicense. If you cannot distribute so as tosatisfy simultaneously your obligationsunder this License and any other pertinentobligations, then as a consequence you maynot distribute the Program at all. Forexample, if a patent license would not permitroyalty-free redistribution of the Program byall those who receive copies directly orindirectly through you, then the only way youcould satisfy both it and this License wouldbe to refrain entirely from distribution of theProgram.If any portion of this section is held invalid orunenforceable under any particular circumstance,the balance of the section is intended to apply andthe section as a whole is intended to apply in othercircumstances.It is not the purpose of this section to induce youto infringe any patents or other property rightclaims or to contest validity of any such claims;this section has the sole purpose of protecting theintegrity of the free software distribution system,which is implemented by public license practices.Many people have made generous contributionsto the wide range of software distributed throughthat system in reliance on consistent applicationof that system; it is up to the author/donor todecide if he or she is willing to distribute softwarethrough any other system and a licensee cannotimpose that choice.This section is intended to make thoroughly clearwhat is believed to be a consequence of the rest ofthis License.8. If the distribution and/or use of the Programis restricted in certain countries either bypatents or by copyrighted interfaces, theoriginal copyright holder who places theProgram under this License may add anexplicit geographical distribution limitationexcluding those countries, so thatdistribution is permitted only in or amongcountries not thus excluded. In such case, thisLicense incorporates the limitation as ifwritten in the body of this License.9. The Free Software Foundation may publishrevised and/or new versions of the GeneralPublic License from time to time. Such newversions will be similar in spirit to the presentversion, but may differ in detail to addressnew problems or concerns.Each version is given a distinguishing versionnumber. If the Program specifies a versionnumber of this License which applies to it and"any later version", you have the option offollowing the terms and conditions either of thatversion or of any later version published by theFree Software Foundation. If the Program doesnot specify a version number of this License, youmay choose any version ever published by theFree Software Foundation.10. If you wish to incorporate parts of theProgram into other free programs whosedistribution conditions are different, write tothe author to ask for permission. For softwarewhich is copyrighted by the Free SoftwareFoundation, write to the Free SoftwareFoundation; we sometimes make exceptionsfor this. Our decision will be guided by thetwo goals of preserving the free status of allderivatives of our free software and of