Adjustment Using the Menus 31For the DVI/HD15 inputSubmenu SettingSUB CONTROL Adjusts finely the adjustment rangeof the button on the front panel forCONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS,CHROMA and PHASE.• CONTRAST: Adjusts the picturecontrast.• BRIGHTNESS: Adjusts thepicture brightness.• CHROMA: Adjusts colorintensity. The higher thesetting, the greater theintensity. The lower thesetting, the lower theintensity.• PHASE: Adjusts color tones.The higher the setting, themore greenish the picture.The lower the setting, themore purplish the picture.• APERTURE: Adjusts the picturesharpness.The higher the setting, thesharper the picture. Thelower the setting, the softerthe picture.• BACKLIGHT: Adjusts thebacklight. When the settingis changed, the brightness ofthe backlight is changed.S U B C O N T R O LC O N T R A S T : xB R I G H T N E S S : xC H R O M A : xP H A S E : xA P E R T U R E : xB A C K L I G H T : xUSER CONTROL 2/3PICTURE CONTROLS I Z E H : xxS I Z E V : xxS H I F T H : xxS H I F T V : xxD O T P H A S E : xxP I T C H : xxR E S O L U T I O N : xxxR E S E TUSER CONTROL 3/3* The 1/3 menu cannot be adjusted. PICTURE CONTROL Adjusts to monitor the picture moreclearly.• SIZE H: Adjusts the horizontalsize of the picture. Thehigher the setting, the largerthe horizontal size of thepicture. The lower thesetting, the smaller thehorizontal size of thepicture.• SIZE V: Adjusts the vertical sizeof the picture. The higherthe setting, the larger thevertical size of the picture.The lower the setting, thesmaller the vertical size ofthe picture.• SHIFT H: Adjusts the position ofthe picture. As the settingincreases, the picture movesto the right, and as thesetting decreases, the picturemoves to the left.• SHIFT V: Adjusts the position ofthe picture. As the settingincreases, the picture movesup, and as the settingdecreases, the picture movesdown.• DOT PHASE: Adjusts the dotphase. Adjust the picturefurther for a finer pictureafter APA (page 35) isadjusted.• PITCH: Adjusts the horizontalsize of the picture with theleft side of the picture fixed.The higher the setting, thelarger the width of thepicture. The lower thesetting, the narrower thewidth of the picture.• RESOLUTION: Sets when thecomputer signal is input andit is difficult to understandthe signal type such asXGA/60 or WXGA/60•XGA: Displayed as XGAsignal.•WXGA: Displayed asWXGA signal.• RESET: Resets the value ofSIZE H, SIZE V, SHIFT H,SHIFT V, DOT PHASE andPITCH to the factory presetvalue.Submenu Setting