SERVICE MANUALRevision HistoryPublished by Sony Techno Create CorporationSony CorporationLEVEL 3HDR-CX530E/CX535/CX610E/PJ530E/PJ540/PJ540E/PJ610E_L3Check the SERVICE NOTE (LEVEL 2) before the service.983477311.pdfDigital HD Video Camera RecorderThe components identified by mark0 or dotted line with mark 0 arecritical for safety.Replace only with part numberspecified.Les composants identifiés par unemarque 0 sont critiques pour lasécurité.Ne les remplacer que par unepièce portant le numéro spécifié.9-834-773-11Ver. Date History Contents S.M. Rev.issued1.0 2014.01 Official Release — —2014A08-1© 2014.01MODEL GROUPProjector Model: PJ530E/PJ540/PJ540E/PJ610ENon Projector Model: CX530E/CX535/CX610EVer. 1.0 2014.01Photo: HDR-PJ540/BROWNUS ModelCanadian ModelAEP ModelUK ModelNorth European ModelE ModelAustralian ModelHong Kong ModelChinese ModelKorea ModelTourist ModelJapanese ModelHDR-CX530E/CX535/CX610E/PJ530E/PJ540/PJ540E/PJ610EDistinguishing MM-102 Boards (HDR-CX610E/PJ610E)Three types of MM-102 board are used in this unit.When repairing an MM-102 board, identify its type by the IC model names printed on the surface of IC8101 and IC8201 on the MM-102 board.IC8101 IC8201Type A KLMBG4WE4A-A001T01 KLMBG4WE4A-A001T01Type B THGBM7G8T4JBAIRH10 THGBM7G8T4JBAIRH10Type C KLMCG8WE4A-A001T01 No MountNote:IC8101 and IC8201 cannot be replaced with any other type of IC. Be sure to replace them with the same type of IC.When replacing Type A or Type B of IC8101 and IC8201, be sure to replace IC8101 and IC8201 together.