CHANGINGTHE WAYBUSINESSCOMMUNICATESwww.sonybiz.netWith the widespread use of HDCAM camcorders and studio VTRs inthe high-definition field and post production, it was inevitable that producers,journalists and others involved in the programme production chain would bedemanding cost-effective HDCAM viewers that can readily be used in productionenvironments.HIGH DEFINITIONVIDEO SYSTEMJ-H1/J-H3Sony provides the solution by introducingthe J-H Series Compact Players in two models –the J-H1 and the J-H3.Sharing the same design philosophy andphysical dimensions of the existing J Seriesstandard-definition compact players, both theJ-H1 and J-H3 are affordable, compact,lightweight and offer the same low-powerconsumption characteristics.While the J-H1 is ideal for viewing HDCAMplayback at 59.94i, 50i, 25P, and 29.97P, theJ-H3 is equipped with a number of additionalfeatures to support 24P playback and is ideallysuited for feeding nonlinear editors, as well asviewing and scene selection.Compact Body DesignSharing a similar chassis design to the existingJ Series multi-format compact players forstandard-definition formats, both the J-H1 andJ-H3 retain a compact and lightweight design.Equivalent in size to a standard desktop PC,they can be effortlessly placed on the desks ofbusy producers, directors and editors.The J-H1 and J-H3 players are just 307 x 100x 397 mm (12 1⁄8 x 4 x 15 3⁄4 inches) in size andweigh only 7.5 kg (16 lb 9 oz). They can beused horizontally or placed upright with thesupplied vertical stand, allowing operators tolocate players as desired even in space-constrained or awkward environments. Easycontrol is assured with the supplied infra-redremote controller.Replay of Both Smalland Large CassettesDespite their very compact designs, the J-H1and J-H3 can playback both large and smallsize cassettes.HDCAM – Playback CapabilityBoth the J-H1 and J-H3 have the capability toplayback HDCAM cassettes that are recordedin 1080/59.94i, 50i and 1080/29.97P, 25Pformats – primarily used in high-definitiontelevision production applications. The J-H3has the additional capability to playback1080/23.98, 24P formats to address the movie-making industry, and high-end television andcommercial productions.Common Features• Compact Body Design• Replay of Both Small and LargeCassettes• HDCAM™ Playback Capability• Flexible Audio Outputs• HD and SD Outputs• Down Conversion Capability• RGB Computer Display Interface• i.LINK Interface (Option)• Tele-File™ System