26You can magnify images to 10 times theoriginal size with the power zoom lever orthe zoom buttons on the LCD panel.Move the power zoom lever slightly for aslower zoom. Move it further for a fasterzoom.b Notes• Be sure to keep your finger on the power zoomlever. If you move your finger off the powerzoom lever, the operation sound of the powerzoom lever may also be recorded.• You cannot change the zoom speed with thezoom buttons on the LCD panel.• The minimum possible distance betweencamcorder and subject while maintaining sharpfocus is about 1 cm (about 13/32 in.) for wideangle and about 80 cm (about 2 5/8 feet) fortelephoto.z Tips• You can set [DIGITAL ZOOM] (p. 49) if youwant to zoom to a level greater than 10 ×.You can record high quality still images onthe “Memory Stick Duo” during taperecording.1 Slide the POWER switch to turn on theCAMERA-TAPE lamp, then pressSTART/STOP to start tape recording.2 Press PHOTO fully.For each separate time tape recording, up to3 still images can be recorded.3 Press START/STOP to stop tape recording.Stored still images appear one by one, andthe images are stored onto the “MemoryStick Duo.” When disappears, theimage has been recorded.b Notes• Do not eject the “Memory Stick Duo” beforetape recording is finished and the still imagesare stored on the “Memory Stick Duo.”• You cannot use the flash during Dual Rec.z Tips• During the standby mode, still images will bestored in the same way as when the POWERswitch is set to CAMERA-MEMORY. You canuse the flash.ZoomingPower zoom leverClose view: (Telephoto)Wider range of view:(Wide angle)Recording high quality stillimages during tape recording(Dual Rec)Orange colorboxes indicatethe number ofrecordedimages. Whenrecording isfinished, thecolor changesto orange.Recording (Continued)