174. If the V.STAT magnet is moved in the direction of the (a)and (b) arrows, the Red, Green and Blue points move asindicated below.3-2. Convergence1. [Moving horizontally], adjust the H.STAT control so thatthe Red, Green and Blue points are on top of each other atthe centre of the screen.2. [Moving vertically], adjust the V.STAT magnet so that theRed, Green and Blue points are on top of each other at thecentre of the screen.3. If the H.STAT variable resistor is unable to bring the Red,Green and Blue points together at the centre of the screen,adjust the horizontal convergence with the H.STAT variableresistor and the V.STAT magnet in the manner indicatedbelow.[In this case, the H.STAT variable resistor and the V.STATmagnet influence each other].The movement of the magnets interact with each other and sothe respective dot position should be monitored while carryingout this adjustment.Use the H.STAT VR to adjust the Red, Green and Blue dots sothat they coincide at the centre of the screen(by moving the dots in the horizontal direction).Operation of the BMC (Hexapole) magnet.G BR G BR G BRG BR G BR G BRPreparation: Before starting this adjustment, adjust the focus, horizontalsize and vertical size. Minimize the Brightness setting. Input a dot pattern from the pattern generator.Horizontal and Vertical Static ConvergenceFig.3-5 Tilt the V.STAT magnet and adjust the static convergence byopening or closing the V.STAT magnet.V.STATVertical Static MagnetH.STATconvergencecontrolRV5375 (H STAT)H STAT Convergence(on mount side)Center dotR G BRGBBGRBGRaabba bBGRaaBGRbbBGRabRGBba