4FeaturesThe DWR-R02DN Digital Wireless Receiver is a rack-mountable wireless receiver capable of receiving twochannels from digital wireless transmitters.This receiver enables the application of multiple channelsover unused television channels through the use of thebuilt-in Sony original channel plan.What is DWX?DWX refers to Sony’s new digital wireless microphonesystem. The DWX series reflects Sony’s extensiveexpertise in professional microphones and sound design. Itrepresents a successful blend of Sony know-how, wirelesstechnology renowned for stability, and cutting-edge digitalaudio technology.In addition to realizing the high sound quality possiblewith a digital system, the DWX series supports multi-channel simultaneous operation, encrypted transmission,and metadata transmission for monitoring the status ofmultiple transmitters. Using a main link and a separateadditional link, remote control of transmitters from thereceiver is also possible. With its many advanced features,the system has the potential to revolutionize the workflowof professional applications.What is WiDIF-HP?WiDIF-HP (WiDIF: Wireless Digital Interface Format,HP: High Profile) is a wireless digital audio interfaceformat developed by Sony.It enables highly secure transmission with high soundquality and low system latency, and supports simultaneousmulti-channel operation.What is Cross Remote?Cross Remote is a system that allows transmitters to bemonitored and controlled from a receiver and the WirelessStudio control software installed on a computer connectedto the receiver.For example, the settings of a transmitter worn underclothing can be easily changed over the wireless link.Preprogrammed wireless channel plansfor simultaneous multi-channel operationThe DWR-R02DN has many preprogrammed channelgroups, meaning combination of wireless channels topermit simultaneous operation of multiple channelswithout intermodulation. The DWR-R02DN also haschannel plans for multi-channel system using digitalwireless system with analog wireless system, making thechannel setting easier in such cases.Building up wireless remote controlsystem according to system scaleDigital wireless transmitters can be remotely controlledwhile checking their status on the display of theDWR-R02DN. You can also use the supplied PC controlsoftware to enable remote control from a PC. According tothe scale and purposes of the system, the following twotypes of wireless remote control system can be built up.ST remote system (stand-alone wireless remotecontrol system)The DWR-R02DN emits control signal through the whipantenna attached to the REM ANT connector to control thetransmitters.NT remote system (network wireless remotecontrol system)By adding the optional RMU-01 Remote Control Unit, upto 82 transmitters can be controlled, enabling the multi-channel remote control system operation. Using two ormore RMU-01 units within a system can achieve widerarea coverage.Operation status monitoring and remotecontrol of devices via the Wireless StudiosoftwareThe supplied Wireless Studio software allows you tomonitor the status of each receiver, transmitter, and RMUused for operation, as well as change the settings for eachreceiver and transmitter. By saving the settingconfigurations as settings files and loading the files, youcan configure groups of settings simultaneously.Two-channel wireless receiverWith its dual-channel receiver capability, oneDWR-R02DN can be used with two transmitterssimultaneously. Up to eight units can be connected to anantenna in cascade, and up to 16 channels can also beoperated without an antenna divider. Furthermore, if anoptional WD-850 UHF Antenna Divider is used, a systemwith more than 16 channels can be built.Auto channel scanning functionsThe DWR-R02DN comes with two auto channel scanningfunctions (active channel scan function and clear channelscan function) that allow for fast, easy and safe frequencychannel changes.Three audio codec modesSwitch between audio codec modes based on youroperational needs.For details, see “Setting the Audio Codec Mode (CODECMODE)” on page 25.