31Second Generation DVDThe second generation DVD players consist of models DVP-S300, DVP-S500d, DVP-C600d and DVP-S7700.Symptom 3: Plays CD but not DVD discsCause: There are three common reasons that the player will only PB CDs:1. The laser beam must be perpendicular to the disc. This is criticalwhen reading fine pitched DVD discs, but not for CDs. Therefore ifthe tilt servo is not working, CDs will still play but not DVDs. Inspectthe Laser base unit for a crack in the plastic preventing tilt.2. The laser assembly may have low output. As the laser output de-creases with use, the RF eye pattern decreases in amplitude causingskipping, and finally no DVD playback.3. The spindle motor must turn faster when playing a DVD. As the motorbrushes wear down, the torque at the high speed cannot be main-tained and the DVD does not reach the normal operating speed.4. Corrupt EEProm data.Repair procedure1. Inspect the plastic base unit holder (DVP-S500d ref. #263) for cracksthat prevent the laser assembly from tilting.You can also operate the tilt mechanism from the test mode undersection “Manual Adjust 2” for inspection. With the player OFF, pressthe remote control TITLE, CLEAR, and then the POWER button toenter the test mode. Using the number buttons, select 2 Drive ManualOperation, 5 Manual Adjust, then 2 Tilt Offset. After remembering theoriginal offset number, use the arrow buttons to change the offsetnumber and drive the tilt motor. As the motor turns, the laser assem-bly should be mechanically tilting. Return to the original offset numberbefore exiting (exit by pressing the power off button).2. On the MB-78 board monitor, check connector CN303/pin 1 for a RF(eye pattern) signal when trying to play a DVD. The normal signallevel here is 1.2Vp-p. As the laser ages, this level decreases. Skip-ping occurs when the level drops to approximately 0.9Vp-p. No disc isdetected when the RF level drops lower than 0.9Vp-p. Even when nodisc is detected at slightly below 0.9Vp-p, a DVD may still play in thetest mode, producing only a low amplitude eye pattern. No pictureappears when the servos are individually (manually) turned on for PBin the test mode. See the Test Mode section of this book for furtherinformation.3. If the laser assembly tilts and the RF starts at 1Vp-p (minimum) be-fore shutdown, the spindle motor could be worn. Replace the spindlemotor if the RF signal is above 1Vp-p (laser is OK). Sometimes adefective spindle motor shows up in the test mode when the unit in-correctly identifies a 12cm DVD as an 8cm disc when attempting to dothe DVD drive adjustments. Enter the test mode and select: 2 DriveManual Operation, 0 Disc Type, and 5 Disc Type Check.4. The EEProm data may be defective but can be reset to default userand service values from the Test Mode. After the default values areentered, the player must be aligned. The procedure for resetting theEEProm is as follows:• Access the Test Mode by pressing Title, Clear, then Power buttons.• From the Test Mode Menu, press 2. Drive Manual Operation• From this sub menu select 7. Check for the memory access.• Select 1. EEProm Default Set• Press RETURN several times to go back to the initial Test Mode Menuto begin automatic alignment.• Select 1. Drive Auto Adjustment and follow the directions to adjust tilt,focus and tracking sections.