2-12-1. CASE REMOVAL 2-3. MB-78 BOARD REMOVAL2-2. FRONT PANEL SECTION REMOVALDVP-S300/S305/S315SECTION 2DISASSEMBLY2-4. AU-197 BOARD REMOVALNote: Follow the disassembly procedure in the numerical order given.1 Two tapping screws 2 Two tapping screws3 Two tapping screws4 Case1 Connector(CN001)A!£ Front panel section3 Rotate the cam gearin direction A.!™ Claw9 Lug8 Screw(B3)2 Flat cable4 Draw out thetray by hand.!¡ Two claws6 Tray ornamentalpanel ass’y5 Two claws0 Claw7 Screw(B3)Cam gear0 Four flat cables(CN101, 252, 301, 452)1 Two connectors(CN001, 002)4 Connector(CN361)5 Two screws(B3)3 Flat cable(CN251)(S315)8 Two screws(B3)2 Two flat cables(CN301, 601)6 Three screws(B3)7 Cover (upper)9 MB-78board6 Two flat cables(CN201, 203)3 Four screws(BVTP3 × 12)5 AU-197 board1 Flat cable(CN202)(S315)2 Connector(CN205)4 Two screws(B3)