153. Power Supply2. Similarly the initial communication (Hand Shaking) takes place with IC 503/ AV Decoder and IC302 /ARP.In the event the communication with these ICs is not accomplished, System control will inform InterfaceIC 404 to switch the power to standby mode.A failure of any of the ICs (IC104, IC503 or IC302) will cause the unit to enter the Standby mode.The Plug In communications sequence is as follows:1. AC plug in.2. Ever 3.3V is applied to Interface IC404 PIN 78.3. 401 (8MHz) becomes active.4. Pcont from IF IC404 / Pin 26 goes HIGH to Power the set.5. After this sequence of Power ON, the following communications will take place as shown in Figure 3-7:• Ready Pulse is output from IC404 /Pin 27 (interrupt line) to begin communications with IC103/4.• System Controller IC103/4 sends chip select from Pin 51 to IC404 / Pin 14.• System Controller IC103/4 sends bit clock (Pin17) and display data (Pin 26) to IC404.6. If users command have been initiated, then these commands will be sent from IC404/Pin 16 to IC 103, 104/Pin 25. Otherwise, IC404 will bring “Pcont” low and RST pulse /Pin 7 will be sent to IC103/4 Pin 76.7. Set goes to Stby.Plug-In CommunicationsFigure 3-6 shows the general sequence of IC communications during Plug-in time.1. System controller IC104 communicates with Flash Memory to retrieve the Instructions / programs.In the event the communication with the Flash Memory is not accomplished, System control will informInterface IC 404 to switch the power to standby mode.IC302ARPServoDSPIC502AVDecoderIC30316MDRAMIC50764MSDRAMIC106 (Or) IC107FLASH OTPParallel BusIC104SysconIC101EEPROMBase UnitDVD/CD/SACDPD ICs) SWRegulatorIC404IF Con Fn KeyND401FLDLoadingMotorMChuck TrayDetectIC601AudioDSPIC603/4AudioD/AConverterPower on123DVP-NS500/700:IC-Communicationsat POWER ONFIGURE 3-6