SONYDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide Installation Guide •• 43System Timing RequirementsThe chart below shows input and output timing for the DME-3000/7000 systems.-0.5HREF0HINPUT AUTO-0.3H +0.3H-1.0H-1.5HTBCCENTERFour fixed positions, 0H to -1.5HOUTPUTDELAY1 Framefrom TBC CenterINPUTMANUALADJUST-0.1H +0.1HOUTPUT VIDEO H-25.03 sec +25.03 sec1 FRAMEDME Series System Phase Timing ChartPlease note the following important points:• Values apply to input video, input key, and external input signals.• The TBC Center is adjustable from 0H to -1.5H in four fixedincrements. This adjustment compensates for switcher throughputerrors when signals are routed from an Aux Bus. (For example, theDVS-7000 has a throughput delay of 1H.)• The automatic correction range (TBC window) is applied within arange of +/- .3H.• DME outputs are delayed for 1 frame from the input.• The output phase is adjustable within a range of +/- 25.03 μsec.