Sony DCR-DVD91E Service Manual
Also see for DCR-DVD101: Operating instructionsAccessories guide
DCR-DVD91E/DVD101/DVD101E— 3 —Link(For schematic diagrams)• All capacitors are in μF unless otherwise noted. pF : μμF. 50 V or less are not indicated except for electrolyticsand tantalums.• Chip resistors are 1/10 W unless otherwise noted.kΩ=1000 Ω, MΩ=1000 kΩ.• Caution when replacing chip parts.New parts must be attached after removal of chip.Be careful not to heat the minus side of tantalumcapacitor, Because it is damaged by the heat.• Some chip part will be indicated as follows.Example C541 L45222U 10UHTA A 2520• Constants of resistors, capacitors, ICs and etc with XXindicate that they are not used.In such cases, the unused circuits may be indicated.• Parts with * differ according to the model/destination.Refer to the mount table for each function.• All variable and adjustable resistors have characteristiccurve B, unless otherwise noted.• Signal nameXEDIT → EDIT PB/XREC → PB/REC• 2: non flammable resistor• 5: fusible resistor• C: panel designation• A: B+ Line• B: B– Line• J : IN/OUT direction of (+,–) B LINE.• C: adjustment for repair.• A: VIDEO SIGNAL (ANALOG)• A: AUDIO SIGNAL (ANALOG)• A: VIDEO/AUDIO SIGNAL (ANALOG)• A: VIDEO/AUDIO/SERVO SIGNAL• A: SERVO SIGNAL• Circled numbers refer to waveforms.(Measuring conditions voltage and waveform)• Voltages and waveforms are measured between themeasurement points and ground when camera shootscolor bar chart of pattern box. They are reference valuesand reference waveforms.(VOM of DC 10 MΩ input impedance is used)• Voltage values change depending upon inputimpedance of VOM used.)Precautions Upon Replacing CCD imager• The CD-503 board mounted as a repair part is not equippedwith a CCD imager.When replacing this board, remove the CCD imager fromthe old one and mount it onto the new one.• If the CCD imager has been replaced, carry out all theadjustments for the camera section.• As the CCD imager may be damaged by static electricityfrom its structure, handle it carefully like for the MOS IC.In addition, ensure that the receiver is not covered withdusts nor exposed to strong light.1. Connection2. Adjust the distance so that the output waveform ofFig. a and the Fig. b can be obtain.When indicating parts by reference number, pleaseinclude the board name.THIS NOTE IS COMMON FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS(In addition to this, the necessary note is printed in each block)Kinds of capacitorTemperature characteristicsExternal dimensions (mm)YellowA AB BA=BFig. a (Video output terminal output waveform)Electronic beamscanning frameCRT picture frameHCyanGreenWhiteMagentaRedBlueFig.b (Picture on monitor TV)Note :The components identified bymark 0 or dotted line with mark0 are critical for safety.Replace only with part numberspecified.Note :Les composants identifiés parune marque 0 sont critiquespour la sécurité.Ne les remplacer que par unepièce portant le numéro spécifié.(ENGLISH)ENGLISH JAPANESEENGLISH JAPANESEFront of the lensPattern box (PTB-450)1.0 m (PTB-450)0.4 m (PTB-1450)4. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS ANDSCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS |
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