Applicable Products and Categories of This ArticleCheck out the information below to help set up your CCRREE--CC1100 hearing aids. Please contact our ProductSupport team if you need any help.NNoottee:: If you have the CCRREE--EE1100 hearing aids, refer to the article Quick Setup for the CRE-E10 Self-fittingOTC hearing aids.SStteepp 11.. UUnnbbooxx yyoouurr nneeww hheeaarriinngg aaiiddss++ OOppeenn tthhee bbooxx aanndd rreemmoovvee tthhee ccoonntteennttssSStteepp 22.. PPrreeppaarree yyoouurr pphhoonnee aanndd cchheecckk tthhee sseettttiinnggssYou will need to change some settings on your phone for the initial setup. For details, with illustrations,refer to the How do I change my phone settings for the initial setup of the OTC Hearing Aids article.SStteepp 33.. SSeett uupp yyoouurr hheeaarriinngg aaiiddssThis section guides you through the battery installation and pairing the hearing aids with the Sony |Hearing Control app. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure the hearing aids pair with the appsuccessfully.IInnssttaallll tthhee bbaatttteerriieess1. Open the battery door on one of the hearing aids.2. Take one battery out of the package and place it into the battery compartment.Sony Support CRE-C10Article ID : 00284585 / Last Modified : 05/04/2023Quick Setup for the CRE-C10 Self-fitting OTC hearing aidsContact Support Parts & Repair Quick Setup for the CRE-C10 Self-fitting OTC hearing aids | Sony USA of 5 12/22/2023, 4:10 PM