61Chapter2 Using basic applicationsUsing the Address Book menusThis section explains the menu commands specific to Address Book. For theEdit menu, see “Using the Edit menu” on page 111. The Record and Optionsmenus differ depending on whether you are displaying the Address Listscreen or the Address View screen.Record menusDelete Address Deletes the current address entry. The Delete Address dialog boxappears.NoteBy default, the entry that you delete will be saved onto the PalmDesktop for CLIE software on your computer during the next HotSyncoperation. To delete the entry completely, deselect the check box ( )for “Save archive copy on PC” in the Delete Address dialog box.Duplicate Address Makes a copy of the current entry and displays the copy in AddressEdit so you can make changes to the copied entry. The copy has thesame category and attached notes as the original entry.Beam Address Sends the current address entry to another CLIE handheld via theinfrared communications port.Attach Note Adds comments to the current address entry. Choosing this menuopens up a screen for entering comments.Delete Note Deletes comments from the current address entry. Choosing this menuopens up the Delete Note dialog box. Tap Yes to delete comments andNo to cancel the delete function.Select Business Card Defines the current address entry on a business card.A business card icon ( ) will be displayed when you set an entryas a business card.Beam Category Sends all the Address Book entries in the currently selected categoryto another CLIE handheld via the infrared communications port.Beam Business Card Sends the current business card to another Sony handheld via theinfrared communications port. You can also send a business card viathe infrared communications port by pressing and holding down theAddress Book button for longer than 2 seconds. This menu item ishighly useful because you can exchange business cards with otherCLIE handhelds with ease.Managing addresses and phone numbers (Address Book)