54Notes on using SonicStage LEOn system suspend/system hibernation mode• Do not change to system suspend/system hibernation mode duringthe following modes:– recording songs from an audio CD– playing songs using the SonicStage LE software– placing your CLIÉ handheld in the transfer mode on the cradle• If you put your computer in system suspend/system hibernationmode during CD recording, file import, Check-In, or Check-Outsongs may be lost and the system may not be recovered normally.• If you replace the MG Memory Stick during system suspend/systemhibernation mode, songs may be lost after the system resumes.• If you are using Windows® 2000 Professional:When you put the computer in suspend/system hibernation modewhile you place your CLIÉ handheld in the transfer mode on thecradle, and the SonicStage LE software is started immediately uponsystem resume, the message “Cannot initialize OpenMG PDManager” may appear.In this case, click OK and then disconnect and reconnect your CLIÉhandheld and restart the SonicStage LE software.On the write-protect tab of the MG Memory Stick mediaWhen using the SonicStage LE software, the contents of a MagicGateMemory Stick media may not be displayed if you insert it with thewrite-protect tab set to LOCK, even if you re-insert it after unlocking it.In this case, disconnect and reconnect your CLIÉ handheld and restartthe SonicStage LE software.