25NoteYou can specify a time anywhere in therange of 0:00 to 35:59 (11:59 a.m. the nextday) for both the data playback start timeand the time table end time. As a result,data set to play back in a time slot on thenext day may be superseded by a time tablescheduled to start playback that day.Generally, when playback time slotsoverlap like this, playback scheduled forthe current day is always given priority. Fordetails, see “Scheduling playback by timetable” (page 33).Play mode when “Scheduled Download”overlapsWhen you are using the ScheduledDownload function (page 15) under StoreLocal on the Player screen, specify“Delay,” “Skip,” or “Cancel” as the actionto take when the time scheduled for stillimage or video file playback by time tableoverlaps with the time specified with theScheduled Download function fordownloading data.Delay: Playback of the overlappingcontent begins after data finishesdownloading with the ScheduleDownload function.Skip: Only the overlapping content isskipped, and playback beginsagain from the next scheduledcontent.Cancel:All playback by time table for thatday is canceled.SaveSaves the settings made on this screen.Setup screenThis screen lets you set up the NetworkPassword. The factory default settings areas follows:Name: rootPassword: fw50adAfter you have made any changes orentered information, click “Apply” at thebottom of each screen to enable the settings.Special characters cannot be used in thetext fields.Owner InformationOwnerEnter owner information here.Display LocationEnter information about the displayinstallation location here.NoteDo not use spaces when entering theinformation. Doing so may cause the filename to display incorrectly.MemoYou can enter auxiliary information here.TimeTimeEnter the time and the day of the weekhere.Computer Operation