9-6. TAPE TRANSPORT IN THE FAST-FORWARD MODEIn the fast-forward mode full take-up torqueis applied to the Take-Up Reel Table and the TapeTension Servo is released. The fast-forward modeis shown in Fig. 9-7.9-6-1. Take-Up Reel Table DriveWhen the function lever is set to fast forward,the Function Select Cam is turned to its fullycounterclockwise position, pushing the FF PushRod in the direction indicated by the arrow. Theend of the FF Push Rod pushes up the Pulley Armso that the Take-Up Pulley supplies drive to theTake-Up Reel Table.9-6-2. Tape Tension Servo ReleaseWhen the Function Select Cam is rotated fullycounterclockwise, as above, the FF Sub Cam isrotated counterclockwise, rotating the Pinch RollerRelease Arm counterclockwise at @). The TensionRegulator Release Rod, connected at the center ofthe Pinch Roller Release Arm, is pulled down,pivoting the Tension Regulator Release Arm slightlyclockwise. This rotates the Tension Arm counter-clockwise at (), thus releasing the Band Brake.The Switch Push Rod, connected at the end of thePinch Roller Release Arm, is pulled down at thesame time and actuates S4.@) supply reel tableS4(3)(4)tensionregulatorreleaserodswitch push rod@ take-up reel tableO4] +\ (ll=/@ tension army atension regulatorrelease arm-~~@ take-up reel table(©) fast forward link@0 pinch roller@i)capstan@2) pinch roller lever (A)function select cam \y© @?) function lever @Fig. 9-7 Fast forward mode tape transport9-7