stem ResetThere are a number of selections now available in System Reset. Most of theseoptions erase information and restore original, factory settings. They cannot beundone. Typically, you will not have reason to use them. Selecting any of theseactions brings you to a warning screen. To cancel your selection, leave the warningscreen (for example, by pressing LEFT arrow or the LIVE TV button). To continue,you must enter the safety code: press THUMBS DOWN three times, then pressENTER.Restart the Recorder. This selection shuts down the Recorder and starts it upagain. It will not affect recorded programs, Season Passes, WishLists or TiVo'sSuggestions. If you call customer support with a technical problem, you may beasked to restart the Recorder.Repeat Guided Setup. This selection lets you redo Guided Setup (completeinstructions are in Chapter 4 of this guide.) You will have to repeat Guided Setup ifyou move or change your cable or satellite provider. You should use the chapter onGuided Setup in this Update Guide for instructions on the improved Guided Setup.Repeating Guided Setup will reset the Channels You Receive and Favorites channellists to the factory settings. It will not affect recorded programs, Season Passes,WishLists or TiVo's Suggestions.Reset Thumb Ratings al'ld SuggesU@I'l§. This selection removes all Thumb ratingsand deletes the list ofTiVo's Suggestions under Pick Programs to Record. It doesnot delete TiVo's Suggestions that have been recorded and are in Now Playing.(h~i'lr Program Data i'll'ld To D@ List. This selection clears all program guideinfOlmation (program time and channel information), cancels all Season Passes andeverything in the To Do List (i.e. any scheduled recordings) and removes allTHUMB ratings. It does not delete programs in Now Playing. The Recorderacquires new program guide infOlmation the next time it calls the TiVo Service.(lei'lr i'li'ld delete everything. This selection clears all Season Passes, WishLists,THUMB ratings, TiVo's Suggestions and Now Playing recordings, program guideinformation, the To Do List and sctup information, including the Channels YouReceive and FavoIite Channels lists. It also clears the current password and resetsParental Controls to the factory specified default. Completing this process may takeovcr an hour. Use this selection with extreme caution! (For example, only if you areplanning to give away or sell your Recorder.)() 1999, 2000, 2001 by TiVo Inc,21