/hearingPart #1053722410/14 1.1 22B771 4.5K SHI/15424-14The Bluetooth® word mark andlogos are registered trademarksowned by Bluetooth® SIG, Inc.,and any use of such marks bySiemens AG is under license.Information in this brochureis subject to change withoutnotice. Copyright © 2014 SiemensHearing Instruments, Inc. Allrights reserved.La marca y los logotipos que llevenla palabra Bluetooth® son marcascomerciales registradas y propiedadde Bluetooth® SIG, Inc., y cualquieruso de los mismos por parte deSiemens AG se otorga bajo licencia.La información que contiene estefolleto está sujeta a cambios sinaviso. Copyright © 2014 SiemensHearing Instruments, Inc. Todos losderechos reservados.Global Business UnitSiemens AudiologischeTechnik GmbHGebbertstrasse 125DE-91058 ErlangenGermanyPhone: +49 9131 308-0Global Siemens HeadquartersSiemens AGWittelsbacherplatz 280333 MuenchenGermanyGlobal Siemens HealthcareHeadquartersSiemens AGHealthcare SectorHenkestrasse 12791052 ErlangenGermanyPhone: +49 9131 Manufacturer &Local ContactSiemens Hearing Instruments, Inc.10 Constitution AvenuePiscataway, NJ