7ML19985FH06 SITRANS LR400 (7ML5421) – INSTRUCTION MANUAL Page 39mmmmmParameters (HART) Range Extension (F = 3 m)Sets the range extension as measured from the vessel height and extending beyondthe measurement range. For vessels with conical or parabolic bottoms, you mayneed to increase this value to ensure an empty vessel reads empty.4.2.3 Sensor ParameterView and change the sensor parameters you have selected according to Parameter 4.2.2(Measuring Conditions). Sensor Damping (F = 1 s)Averaging of measuring signal. Not displayed if a user vessel is selected inParameter (Application Type).Enter damping in seconds.This parameter is not displayed when a user vessel is selected in Parameter Type). The sensor damping influences the evaluation of the measuringsignal. If the level generally only changes slowly and continuously, a time constant sethere can improve the measuring accuracy and the validity in poorly reflecting measuringmedia or those with a restless surface. The sensor damping must always be smaller thanthe interval of the time of change of the level (e.g. 1 mm/10 s), because too high a valuewould have a negative influence on the measuring result. Multiple Echo (F = on)Evaluate multiple echoes. The multiple echo evaluation suppresses multiplereflections by assigning them a lower probability than the measuring signal.This parameter is not displayed when a user vessel is selected in Parameter numericalNote: The factory settings for the user vessels are not editable.Value numericalNote: Specification of damping directly influences the evaluation of the measuringsignal. If you only want to dampen the calculated outputs at the analog output, youshould set the damping of level, volume or mass described in Function (MinLimLevel).Value OnOff