DNC Plant/DNC Cell (FBDN1) 05.0712 Auto archiving© Siemens AG 2010 All Rights ReservedFBDN1/12-276 Motion Control Information System DNC (FBDN) - 04/10 Edition12.3 Comparison resultsWhen the auto archive run is started, it creates or replaces a file with thecomparison results for each archived machine. These files are located in the DNCdata directory in the CmpResult, with the name of the machine and additional"_AArch.txt" attachment.The files are in English.The files contain the following information:1. Group and machine name (below each other)2. Date (at start and end)3. An area entitled "NC Data in machine only" in which files are listed that wereonly found on the machine.4. An area entitled "different NC data" in which files on the machine are listedthat differ from those in the DNC system.5. An area entitled "NC Data in DNC system only" in which files are listed thatwere only found in the DNC system. This section is created with only the startparameter "SHOW_FILESONDNC". The NC data located in this section and inthe upload directory is assigned the auto archive identifier "2".6. The final result is specified at the end. This indicates whether errors occurredduring the auto archive run and how many files were archived. If no errorsoccurred and this machine has been configured for archiving, all the abovefiles must be archived. This means that no differences are found during thenext DNC auto archive run provided that the data on the machine has not beenchanged again by this point.12.4 Tracking auto archive actionsSince the auto archive function does not have a user interface, its progress canonly be tracked via the central logbook.The comparison results can also be used for this purpose. Note that these areregenerated at the start of each auto archive run, which means that no historyfunction is available. The system always displays the last actions for each machine.SINUMERIK*: SINUMERIK 810DSINUMERIK 840DSINUMERIK 840DiPCU50 under Windows with SINUMERIK 840D sl