Host event tasksSources730 | 66 A6V11144326Source State (trigger) DescriptionSelf AuthorizationGrantedCardholder has self-authorized on a DualCustody access point.Soft PerimeterViolationAn anti-passback violation has occurred at adoor under soft anti-passback control.Time ScheduleViolationA host event task is triggered when a card ispresented at a reader outside the cards pro-grammed time schedule for that reader/door.Timed Re-Entry Error A cardholder has attempted to re-enter an area(set to Timed Re-Entry Anti-Passback mode)before their permitted re-entry time.Turnstile in Use-Readers DisabledA cardholder has been denied access at aturnstile due to the turnstile being already inused by another cardholder.Valid A host event task is triggered when the point isreturned to any restore state, assuming an alarmclass has been con-figured for the access point.Valid Card Presented A host event task is triggered when a valid cardis presented at a reader at a delayed reportingmode reader.Void card A host event task is triggered when a card that isvoid is swiped at a card reader.Access PointGroupSame as AccessPoints with less“States” optionsSee aboveAnti-PassbackArea PointArea Count Reset An Area count has been reset.Area Mode Changed An Area mode has been changed.Capacity Empty The area is vacant.Capacity Exceeded An event task is triggered when the count for thenumber of cardholders currently in the anti-passback area is above the specified capacity.Capacity Full An event task is triggered when the count for thenumber of cardholders currently in the anti-passback area has reached the specifiedcapacity.Capacity Not Empty The area is no longer empty.Capacity Not Full The number of cardholders in the area does notexceed the defined maximum.Same as AccessPointsSee above.Workgroup CapacityEmptyThe number of cardholders in the area from aWorkgroup is zero.Workgroup CapacityExceededThe number of cardholders in the area from aWorkgroup has exceeded the maximum for thatWorkgroup.Workgroup CapacityFullThe number of cardholders in the area from aWorkgroup has reached the maximum for thatWorkgroup.Workgroup CapacityNot EmptyThe number of cardholders in the area from aWorkgroup is no longer zero.