en Detergent30tergent but also rinse aid and salt re-placement substances (3in1) and,depending on the combination (4in1,5in1, ...), additional components suchas glass protection or stainless steelcleaner.According to manufacturers, com-bined detergents generally only func-tion up to a water hardness of 26 °E.With a water hardness above 26 °Eyou will need to add special salt andrinse aid. For the best washing anddrying results we recommend usingspecial salt and rinse aid from a wa-ter hardness of 17 °E. If you are us-ing combined detergent, the washingprogramme is adjusted automaticallyto ensure the best possible washingand drying result.12.2 Unsuitable detergentsDo not use detergent which couldcause damage to the appliance orpresent a risk to health.Detergent DescriptionHand wash-ing-up liquidHand washing-up li-quid can cause in-creased frothing anddamage the appli-ance.DetergentcontainingchlorineChlorine residue ontableware maypresent a risk tohealth.12.3 Information on deter-gentsFollow the instructions on detergentsin everyday use.¡ Detergents marked as "organic" or"ecological" (environmentallyfriendly) generally contain lowerlevels of active agents or com-pletely dispense with certain sub-stances. The cleaning effect maybe restricted here.¡ Set the rinse aid and the watersoftening system to the separatedetergent or combined detergentin use.¡ According to manufacturers, com-bined detergents with salt replace-ment substances can only be usedup to a certain water hardness,usually 26 °E, without adding spe-cial salt. For the best washing anddrying results we recommend us-ing special salt from a water hard-ness of 17 °E.¡ To prevent sticking, only touch de-tergents in a water-soluble pouchwith dry hands and only ever placethem in a dry detergent dispenser.¡ Even if the rinse aid and specialsalt refill indicators light up, wash-ing programmes will run properlywith combined detergents.¡ The function of rinse aid is limitedwith combined detergents. You willgenerally get better results usingrinse aid.¡ Use tablets with a special dryingperformance.12.4 Adding detergent1. To open the detergent dispenser,press the locking latch.