75PBD-51041071 SITRANS LG270 - Operating Instructions44583-EN-171021FF desciptor Description UnitSIMULATION_PHYSCALINTEGRATION_DATA Physical offset and integration timeDEVICE_CONFIG_PULS_RADARElectronics variant, probe type, max. measuring range, anten-na extension length, adjustment propagation antenna extensionlprapproval configurationADJUSTMENT_LIMITS_MIN Min. range min.-/max.- values physical, percent, offsetADJUSTMENT_LIMITS_MAX Max. range min.-/max.- values physical, percent, offset %FALSE_SIGNAL_COMMAND %FALSE_SIGNAL_CMD_CRE-ATE_EXTENDFALSE_SIGNAL_CMD_DE-LET_REGIONFALSE_SIGNAL_CMD_STATE Busy, last command, errorcodeFALSE_SIGNAL_CMD_CON-FIGURATION1Amplitude safety of the 0 % curve, safety of the false signal sup-pression, position of the 0 % and 100 % curve in near and farrangeFALSE_SIGNAL_CMD_CON-FIGURATION2Gradient of the manual sectors, safety at the end of false echomemory and depending on the import range gating out the falsesignalsECP_CURVE_AVARAGING_CONFIGAveraging factor on increasing and decreasing amplitudeLEVEL_ECHO_MEASURE-MENTFunction measured value filterECHO_CURVE_STATUSPACKET_COUNTGU_ID_ENDECHO_CURVE_READ Echo curve dataECHO_EVALUATOR Echo parameters, first large echo, amplitude threshold firstlarge echoECHO_DECIDER Echo selection criteria, fault signal on loss of echo, delay onfault signal on loss of echoDISPLAY_SETTINGS Indication value, menu language, lightningSIL_MODEEDENVELOPE_CURVE_FIL-TERParameters of envelope curve filter, activation of smooth rawvalue curveEDDETECTION_CURVE_FIL-TERParameters of the detection filter, offset threshold value curveEDECHO_COMBINATION Parameters for echo combination, function combine echoes,amplitude difference of combined echoes, position difference ofcombined echoesLIN_TABLE_A … LIN_TABLE_Q32 couples of percentage and lin. percentage valuesELECTRONICS_INFORMA-TIONElectronics version