Siemens Industry, Inc.Process Industries and Drives100 Technology DriveAlpharetta, GA to change without prior noticeOrder No.: A5E46016022All rights reservedPrinted in USA© 2018 Siemens Industry, Inc.Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this documentonly contains general descriptions and/or performance features whichmay not always specifically reflect those described, or which mayundergo modification in the course of further development of the prod-ucts. The requested performance features are binding only when theyare expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.All product designations may be registered trademarks of Siemens AG.All other designations in this document may represent trademarkswhose use by third parties for their own purposes may violate the pro-prietary rights of the owner.Follow us everything that Process Instrumentation offersbest-in-class measurement and seamlessintegration into your automation system.We are the total solution provider for flow,level, pressure, temperature, weighing,positioners and more.