Evaluating and processing signals7.4 AcknowledgementSITRANS DA400 with protection against explosionOperating Instructions, 02/2006, A5E00684661-01 7-9W6RXQGOHYHO3$/+\VW37,0($ODUP$/$7$83 37,0(37,0(37,0(Figure 7-6 Trace evaluationSee alsoParameter table (Page 6-7)Parameter lock (Page 6-9)7.4 AcknowledgementThe effect of the parameter "P.14/AcK" is described below. For simplification, no hysteresisis plotted in the time diagram. The parameter value "P.13/TIME" for the response time is 0.The parameter "P.14/AcK" can be set to three values:oFF Acknowledgment here with the key is not possible. The alarm occursexclusively at exceeding or not reaching the alarm value.St.Ac Stored and can be acknowledgedTime 1: Alarm value exceeded, alarm is output.Time 2: Acknowledgement with key, alarm is reset.Time 3: Alarm is only set if the alarm value is exceeded again.Time 4: Value below alarm value, alarm remains saved.Time 5: Acknowledgement with key, alarm is reset. PreviousNext |