Severity of AlarmsSINUMERIK systems use three severity levels (e.g. Information, Warning and Error). The tablebelow shows the values at SINUMERIK system and its mapping in OpcUa Server/Client.Severity Level SINUMERIK System OpcUa Server/ClientInformation 0-1 1Warning 2-999 500Error 1000 1000Additional attributes of the ConditionTypeAttribute Data type Mapping with respect to SINU‐MERIKM/O DescriptionConditionClassIdNodeId Unique node id (sum of alarm idand alarm instance)M String NodeIDSystemConditionClassTypeConditionClassNameString Set to “SystemConditionClas‐sType"M SystemConditionClassTypeConditionNameString Set to “SystemCondition”. M ConditionName identifies the Condition in‐stance that the Event originated from. Itcan be used together with the Source‐Name in a user display to distinguish be‐tween different Condition instances.Retain Boolean True when the alarm is active.False otherwise.M Information whether or not the alarm shallbe displayed.This is set to true by default.Quality String According to SINUMERIK qualityattribute, below string will be set:● BAD● GOOD● UNCERTAINM The quality provides information about thereliability of an alarm.Possible values of SINUMERIK:AlarmQuality.QUALITY_BAD = 0AlarmQuality.QUALITY_GOOD =192AlarmQuality.QUALITY_UNCERTAIN= 64LastSeverity UInt16 Reading attributesvia(SLAE_EV_ATTR_SEVERITY)M LastSeverity provides the previous severityof the ConditionBranch. Initially this Varia‐ble contains a zero value; it will return avalue only after a severity change. The newseverity is supplied via the Severity Prop‐erty which is inherited from the BaseEvent‐Type.BranchId NodeId Null M BranchId is Null for all Event Notificationsthat relate to the current state of the Con‐dition instance.Comment LocalizedText Null M The value of this Variable is set to null.ClientUserId String Null M The value of this Variable is set to null.Enable Not supported M Servers do not expose Condition instancesin the AddressSpace.Disable Not supported M Servers do not expose Condition instancesin the AddressSpace.Functionality5.4 AlarmsSINUMERIK Integrate for Engineering Access MyMachine / OPC UA52 Configuration Manual, 04/2018, 6FC5397-1DP41-0BA0