06.0315.3 Data backup15-482 Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840Di Manual (HBI) – 06.03 EditionFollowing menu:PLEASE SELECT1 Set Connection Mode PARALLEL2 Set Connection Mode LOCAL3 Change Backup Image Filename4 Change Restore Image Filename5 Change Machine Name6 Manage Network Drives9 Back to previous MenuYour Choice [1,2,3,4,5,6,9]?Fig. 15-3 Main menu for configuring the Ghost parameters To set the connection mode “Network Connection”, choose the menu itemSet Connection Mode LOCAL using the key “2”. To set the network parameters of the PCU, choose the menu item ManageNetwork Drives using the key “6”.Following menu:PLEASE SELECT:1 Connect to Network Drive2 Show Connected Network Drives3 Disconnect from all Network Drives9 Back to previous MenuYour Choice [1,2,3,9] ?Choose Connect to Network Drive using the key “1”.– Type the user name and the password you want to use for access tothe external computer using the network connection.Windows NT 4.0User name and password of the local user of the PG/PCWindows 95Any user name; if a password is required, type the password you havespecified to share access to the directories.– For later verification, you may be prompted to confirm saving of thepassword.– Specify the drive letter under which the external drive is to be accessedfrom the PCU (e.g. “H”).– DIRECTORY TO BE MOUNTED:Please type a name of the computer and the access name of the drive/directory of the external computer:\\\e.g. \\R3344\MY_BACKUPHow to set or determine the network parameters of an external computeris described in Subsection 15.1.4 (page 15-458).The set network information is displayed.15 SW Installation/Update and Data Backup