5.1.4 Factory default settingsMeaning of the symbols:○ Eth 1 as a DHCP client● Eth 2 as a DHCP server■ Eth 2 with a fixed IP addressPreconfiguration of the TCUThe TCU is configured as a DHCP client and primarily accepts IP addresses from SINUMERIKcomponents, from the DHCP server of such components that are inherent to SINUMERIK, forexample, an NCU at X120 or a PCU/IPC on the system network or from a standard DHCPserver. The behavior of the TCU cannot be changed here.7&8A TCU is a SINUMERIK DHCP client.The TCU has a single Ethernet connection.A TCU executes a boot via the network. The boot server is the computer node from which theTCU also obtains its IP address.Pre-configuration of the PCUA PCU has two Ethernet interfaces with default settings for use with SINUMERIK solution line:3&8(WK (WKEth 1 is pre-selected as a default DHCP client for connection to acompany network.Eth 2 is pre-selected as a SINUMERIK DHCP server for connec‐tion to a system network. On Eth 2 the fixed IP address192.168.214.241 is pre-selected.Preconfiguration of the IPCAn IPC has two Ethernet interfaces with default settings for use with SINUMERIK solution line:,3&; ;X1 is preset as the standard DHCP client for connection to a com‐pany network.X2 is preset as a SINUMERIK DHCP server for connection to asystem network. The fixed IP address is preseton X2.Networking5.1 System settingsOperator panel front: OP 015 blackManual, 05/2019, A5E35227814B AB 39