Service & support A7HFKQLFDO&RQVXOWLQJ 7UDLQLQJ(QJLQHHULQJ6XSSRUW2SWLPL]DWLRQ6HUYLFHV5HSDLU6HUYLFHV)LHOG6HUYLFH6SDUH3DUWV0RGHUQL]DWLRQ6HUYLFHV6HUYLFH3URJUDPV2QOLQH6XSSRUW7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUW6HUYLFH 6XSSRUWA unique and complete range of services over the entire life cycleIrrespective whether you are a machine manufacturer, solution provider or plant operator: Theservice offering from Siemens Industry Automation and Drive Technologies includescomprehensive services for a wide range of different users in all sectors of the manufacturingand process industry.To accompany our products and systems, we offer integrated and structured services thatprovide valuable support in every phase of the life cycle of your machine or plant – fromplanning and implementation through commissioning to maintenance and modernization.Our Service & Support accompanies you worldwide in all matters concerning automation anddrives from Siemens. We provide direct on-site support in more than 100 countries through allphases of the life cycle of your machines and plants.An experienced team of specialists provides you with active support and bundled know-how.Regular training courses and intensive contact among our employees – even across continents– ensure reliable service in the most diverse areasTechnical consultingSupport with the planning and design of your project: From detailed analysis of the currentsituation and definition of objectives through advice on products and systems through todesigning the automation solution.SINUMERIK Run MyRobot /Direct ControlProgramming Manual, 12/2018, A5E45237742B AB 51