Y˞,,,Y˞7RROFDUULHUUHIHUHQFHSRLQW 6WDUWLQJSRLQWRIWRROFDUULHU WRROFKDLQY˞Figure 2-37 Tool carriers with orientation capability with 3 rotary axes.The rotary axes are not orientation axes, as used for the 5-axis-transformation.Defining rotation axes (more than two rotary axes)If a tool carrier comprises more than two rotation axes, this is defined via the relevant axesusing the system variable $TC_CARR_KIN_ROTAX_NAME. The name of the chain element isentered in the system variable in this regard. The maximum two rotary axes are defined in thesequence in which they are defined in the kinematic chain. The entries must begin with theindex "0".Syntax Description$TC_CARR_KIN_ROTAX_NAME[n,m] = Name of the element in the kinematic chain which is to bedefined as the rotary axis.Data type: STRINGn Index of the tool carrier; the maximum number of tool carrierscan be defined in machine data MM_NUM_TOOL_CARRIER.m Index of rotary axes (value range 0...1)ExampleYou will find a part program for a tool carrier via a kinematic chain under: Example: Tool carrierwith orientation capability via kinematic chain (Page 138).2.8.4 Machine measuring for tool carrier2.8.4.1 Modifying the orientable tool carrier according to the machine measurement (CORRTC)Measured kinematic chain elements of a tool carrier can be written to special correctionelements with the CORRTC function.W1: Tool offset2.8 Tool carriers with orientation capabilityToolsFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47435126B AA 117