M3: Coupled axes5.5 Generic couplingSpecial FunctionsFunction Manual, 09/2011, 6FC5397-2BP40-2BA0 285Constraints• Implicitly created coupling modules (via switch-on commands) are deleted once they arecompletely deactivated (CPOF).Advantage: Deleting them with CPDEL/CPLDEL is not necessary.Disadvantage (possibly): All coupling properties which were set with CPOF are lost.• Implicitly created coupling modules can be transformed into explicit coupling modules withthe following instruction CPDEF/CPLDEF. In this case CPOF does not delete the couplingmodule and the data is retained.5.5.5 Programming coupling characteristics5.5.5.1 Coupling rule (CPLNUM, CPLDEN, CPLCTID)The functional relationship between the leading value and the following value is specified by acoupling rule for each leading axis. This functional relationship can be defined linear via acoupling factor or non-linear via a curve table. The following axis components calculated inthis way from the individual leading values have an additive effect.Programming: Coupling factorWhen programming a coupling factor, a previously activated non-linear coupling relationship(curve table) is deactivated.The coupling factor is programmed with numerator and denominator.In the default state, i.e. without explicit programming after creation of a new coupling module,the numerator and denominator are each preset with 1.If only the numerator is programmed, this is applied as the factor as the denominator is 1.More exact linear relationships can be defined by programming numerators anddenominators.Numerator of the coupling factorSyntax: CPLNUM[FAx,LAx]= Identifiers: Coupling Lead NumeratorFunctionality: Defines the numerator of the coupling factor for the coupling rule of thefollowing axis/spindle FAx to the leading axis/spindle LAx.Value: Type: REALRange of values: -231 to +231Default value: +1.0