10 Machine Data, NC Start-Up, System Parameters – Operating Area Start-Up 03.0410.5 HMI startup 1010.5.2 Action logPreconditionWith the appropriate user access level you can access the ActionLog softkey.FunctionThe softkey offers a window for parameterizing and activating theaction log. The following settings can be made and saved by clickingon OK:• Log on• Alarms• Keys• Channel status/override• Windows IDs10.5.3 DOS editorPreconditionIf the user access level is set accordingly you can access theEditorDOS softkey.FunctionThe selected DOS shell file opens after you click on the EditorDOSsoftkey, although access is restricted to read-only.Operating sequence• The Open command opens an input window where you canenter the file name.• Click on OK to open the file.• Click on Close to close the file.Further buttonsCancel Returns to the previous window. Siemens AG, 2004. All rights reserved.10-128 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Operator's Guide Handheld Terminal 6 (BAH) - 03.04 Edition