Reference section8.1© Siemens AG All rights reserved SINUMERIK, Manual, Mold-Making with 3- to 5-Axis Simultaneous Milling1628.1.2 Dynamic responseTechnology G groupsLook AheadVelocity programmingDYNNORMDYNPOSDYNROUGHDYNSEMIFINDYNFINISHStandard dynamic response, as beforePositioning mode, tappingRoughingFinishingSmooth finishingG64 Overrun of block end (LOOK AHEAD)SmoothingG641G642G645ADIS = … smoothing distanceADISPOS =… smoothing distance for G0, constant velocitySmoothing with single-axis tolerances or ADIS, ADISPOS viaintermediate blocks, constant accelerationPath control mode with smoothing of corners and tangential blocktransitions while adhering to defined tolerancesG60, G64, G645 G code group 10G94G93G95G96Conventional block-by-block (non-modal) velocity programming ininches/min or mm/minInverse timeinches, mm per spindle revolutionConstant cutting rateProgramming of velocity/feedrate profilesTo permit flexible definition of the feedrate characteristic, feedrateprogramming according to DIN 66025 has been extended by means oflinear and cubic characteristics. The cubic characteristics can beprogrammed either directly or as interpolating splines. These additionalcharacteristics make it possible to program continuously smooth velocitycharacteristics depending on the curvature of the workpiece to bemachined.As a result, limiting acceleration changes can be programmed, enablinguniform workpiece surfaces to be produced.