1sSINAMICS Smart Adapter Compact Operating Instructions07/2023Security informationSecurity informationIn order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement– and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’ products andsolutions constitute one element of such a concept. For more information about industrial security, please visithttps://www.siemens.com/global/en/products/automation/topic-areas/industrial-cybersecurity.html.FunctionalityFunctionalitySINAMICS Smart Adapter allows Wi-Fi-based access to the Web server of a supported drive system from a PC or amobile device, making it easier to perform drive commissioning, diagnostics, and maintenance. Siemens recom-mends that you temporarily connect SINAMICS Smart Adapter to the drive for the intended use.OverviewOverviewNote:You can scan the QR code on the label using a standard code scanner or the “Industry Online Support” app to getproduct data, manuals, declarations of conformity, certificates and other information about your product.Reset button description• Resetting Wi-Fi configuration or administrator passwordTo reset the Wi-Fi configuration to factory settings or reset the administrator password of the Smart Adapter,hold down the button for more than 3 seconds in power-on state until the Wi-Fi communication LED flashesyellow.• Restoring firmware versionProceed as follows to restore the firmware of the Smart Adapter to the factory version:1. Hold down the reset button in power-off state, and then connect the Smart Adapter to the drive.2. Keep the button pressed for more than 3 seconds after the connection.1P 6SL4950-0AJ00-0AA0S SZVN5553002048MAC: xxxxxxxxxxxxx4JFNFOT "( 'SBVFOBVSBDIFS4US %&&SMBOHFO .BEFJO$IJOB4*/".*$4 4NBSU "EBQUFS1 4-"+""4 999999999994/$"&會獬㣔䋴䄫꪿ホⰰꫀ䒍珔⻰ㅼ4JFNFOT /VNFSJDBM$POUSPM -UE /BOKJOH3VOIVBJ3PBE -JTIVJ /BOKJOH 13$'4$.**5 *% "1"DDFTT 4*/".*$4ESJWFIUUQTTJOBNJDTOFU "DDFTT4NBSU"EBQUFSIUUQTNBSUBEBQUFSOFUIND.CONT.EQ.4TR23$44."35"%"15&3$R 005-103244CCAN23LP0160T9()[ CBOE 8 *OEPPS VTF POMZ FYDFQU DPOOFDUJOHUP ()[ IJHIQPXFS SBEJP TUBUJPO5")*%'*$4."35"%15$"/ *$&4 # /.# #5HVHWEXWWRQ EDFNVLGHꝿ&RPPXQLFDWLRQLQWHUIDFH:L)LFRPPXQLFDWLRQ&RQYHUWHUFRPPXQLFDWLRQ1DPHSODWHH[DPSOHIURQWYLHZEDFNYLHZ$UWLFOHQXPEHU6/$-$$8QLWPP3URGXFWODEHO EDFNVLGHꝿ 3URGXFWODEHOH[DPSOH*A5E51879348A*