RFID Reader Interface Reference3.4 IRfReaderApiMobile Reader70 Function Manual, 02/2009, J31069-D0198-U001-A1-0076Other configuration parameters have an effect on how certain functions behave or whether afeature can be activated or not. Mostly this applies to the trigger configuration.Configuration ParameterNamePossible Values / Description Info vs. ConfigMobileOperatingModeEnabledThis parameter tells you if the device is working inremote mode (FALSE) or mobile mode (TRUE).Whenever this parameter is false, you may onlymonitor tag events. Only if this parameter is true,filtering is enabled and tag events might be changedand can be fed in again with the SetTagEvents APIfunction.InfoEditTagEnable This parameter could be used by your applications.It signals that changing of tags is allowed inside yourapplication.InfoScanBeepEnable Produce a sound on valid reads (if true). InfoScanResultTime The configured scan time InfoAll of the following configuration parameters give information on how certain triggers are configured.On the one hand they specify whether a configured trigger is only valid as long as the associated keyis pressed (KEY_PRESSED) or whether the trigger implements an ON/OFF toggling(START_STOP).This information is for information only.Moreover, depending on the configuration, each trigger is associated with either RFID scanning orbarcode scanning or with both. This defines which function will be triggered and is thus relevant foryour client.PistolGrip Information about the pistol grip button ConfigScan Key Left Information about the scan key button on the left ofthe deviceConfigScan Key Right Information about the scan key button on the right ofthe deviceConfigScan Key Top Information about the scan key button on top of thedeviceConfigApplication Information about the virtual software trigger ConfigLimitationsRF-MANAGER mode only.There has to be valid RF-MANAGER configuration data available in order to successfullyretrieve values.Version informationSupported in RFID Reader Interface: since V1.1