Controller Tuning in FB 58 "TCONT_CP"PID Temperature ControlA5E00125039-02 3-15OvershootOvershoot can occur in the following situations:Situation Cause RemedyEnd of tuning • Excitation by a manipulatedvariable change too highcompared with the setpoint stepchange (see above).• PI controller activated byPID_ON = FALSE.• Increase the setpoint stepchange or reduce themanipulated variable stepchange.• If the process permits a PIDcontroller, start the tuning withPID_ON = TRUE.Tuning inPhase 7Initially, less aggressive controllerparameters are obtained (processtype III) that can lead to overshoot inPhase 7.-Control mode PI controller and withPFAC_SP = 1.0 for process type I.If the process permits a PIDcontroller, start the tuning withPID_ON = TRUE.