Brief description of the hardwareA.2 RF180CFB 45 for MOBY U, MOBY D, RF200, RF300Function Manual, 07/2012, J31069-D0166-U001-A4-7618 85A.2 RF180CArea of applicationThe RF180C communications module is a module for connecting Siemens Ident devices toPROFINET. The RF180C communications module can be connected both to SIMATIC S7controllers as well as to any other controllers. Up to two readers can be operated on theRF180C at the same time. The user can start a command on 2 readers simultaneously (FB45 when operating on a SIMATIC S7).&RQWUROOHUHJ6&38352),1(7,2FDEOH9IRU5)&DQGUHDGHUWRIXUWKHU352),1(7,2QRGHV5HDGHU7UDQVSRQGHU5)&;;Figure A-3 Configurator for RF180CHardware configurationThe RF180C is integrated into the hardware configuration by means of a GSDML file. TheRF180C can then be configured using HW Config of the SIMATIC manager or anotherPROFINET tool. The GSDML file can be found on the "RFID Systems Software &Documentation" DVD or on the Internet (see section "Service & Support (Page 121)").● GSDML-V2.2-SIEMENS-RF180C-date in format "yyyymmdd.xml"● The RF180C must have a valid IO device name. The default device name is RF180CParameter setting by means of GSDML fileThe GSDML file contains four parameters relevant to RFID that must be set. They are set byselecting the "Object properties" for slot 0 of the RF180C in HW Config.