Chapter 2 System Components2-4 SIMATIC HawkEye™ 1600T Smart Camera Guide Rev. 1E, Nov 2007Serial Port ConnectivityFrontRunner always communicates over Ethernet with the SIMATICHawkEye™ 1600T Smart Camera; however, the Serial port is fully supported bythe Job in the form of allowing Serial triggers and Serial ASCII reporting outputvia the Acquire, Digital Input and Formatted Output Tools.The serial string(s) are formatted using the *printf C syntax*. Special characterscan be used and are summarized in Table 2–3.Reports &Statistics ControlPortTCP 49202 Allow control over a Report Connection, in particularupdate rate and allows records to be added/removedfrom the connection.Serial TCP Ports TCP 49211492124921349214Send Formatted Output Strings serially over TCP asprogrammed in the avp by the Formatted Output StepCameraLogin/CommandPortUDP 49493 Gains control to the camera in order to edit and modifyits network parameters. A network login to the camerais required to gain control with the HE1600.Camera AnnouncePortUDP 49495 Broadcasts HE1600T Smart Camera identity on thecurrent subnet used by Network View in FrontRunner,provides general counters, camera name, IP, IP incontrol, camera status, and camera software version.TABLE 2–3. Special CharactersSequence Output Character\a Bell (alert)\b Backspace\f Formfeed\n New line\r Carriage return\t Horizontal tab\v Vertical tab\' Single quotation markTABLE 2–2. SIMATIC HawkEye™ 1600T TCP/IP Connectivity (Continued)Port Name Protocol Number Note