Siemens AG TD00-000.841.02.04.02 Display05.05 CSPS21System-related Adjustments 9Page 9 of 22Medical Solutions- Select <Utilities> in the Service Main menu.- Select <Escape to OS> in the Utilities (Source) window.- Select <NT Command Interpreter> under Command.- Enter <explorer> under Parameters.- Start Explorer with “Enter”.Select Display (invert so that the highlighted elements appear on a black background):- In “My Computer” => start “Control Panel”.- In the window on the right => double-click on ” Display” to open it.- Select “Appearance” in the menu bar.- Select “Marked Elements” in display element.- Select “black” for color.Generate a text page with “mmmmm”:- Open "Notepad.exe" in C/Winnt.- Open Notepad all the way (to cover the entire screen area).- Fill approx. 3 lines with “mmmmmmm “ => select the lines => copy => paste until thepage is filled.- Select the entire page; when this is done, the background becomes black and thecharacters are displayed white.- Select => “Set Font..” under “Edit” => Arial / Regular / 12.- The adjustment can now be performed using this image, a complete page full of “m...” in white type and a black background.- Using the sliders for frequency and phase, adjust the entire screen area for optimumfocus.Brightness / Contrast AdjustmentNOTE The measurement is made using the Mavo monitor.When performing the measurement, make sure that the measuringsensor does not exert any pressure on the panel surface.Otherwise damage to the panel cannot be ruled out!