– WPA/WPA2-Auto-PSKSetting with which an access point can process both the "WPA-PSK" and the "WPA2-PSK" type of authentication. This is necessary when the access point communicateswith different clients, some using "WPA-PSK" and others "WPA2-PSK". The sameencryption method is set on the clients.– WPA/WPA2-AutoSetting with which an access point can process both the "WPA" and the "WPA2" type ofauthentication. This is necessary when the access point communicates with differentclients, some using "WPA" and others "WPA2". The same encryption method is used onthe clients● EncryptionEncryption protects the transferred data from eavesdropping and corruption. You can onlydisable encryption if you have selected "Open System" for authentication. All other securitymethods include both authentication and encryption.● CipherSelect the encryption method. The selection depends on the transmission standard.– AUTOEither AES or TKIP is automatically selected, depending on the capability of the otherstation.– WEPWEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)A symmetrical stream encryption method with only 40-bit or 104-bit keys based on theRC4 (Ron’s Code 4) algorithm.– TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)A symmetrical stream encryption method with the RC4 (Ron’s Code 4) algorithm. Incontrast to the weak WEP encryption, TKIP uses changing keys derived from a main key.TKIP can also recognize corrupted data frames.– AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)Strong symmetrical block encryption method based on the Rijndael algorithm that furtherimproves the functions of TKIP.NoteTo provide better protection of your data against attacks, use WPA2/ WPA2-PSK withAES.● WPA(2) Pass PhraseEnter a WPA(2) key here. This WPA(2) key must be known on both the client and the accesspoint and is entered by the user at both ends.– For a key with 8 to 63 characters, you can only use the following readable ASCIIcharacters: 0x20 - 0x7e.– For a key with precisely 64 characters, you can use the following ASCII characters: 0 -9, a - f and A - F.● WPA(2) Pass Phrase ConfirmationConfirm the entered WPA(2) pass phrase.Configuring with Web Based Management6.10 "Security" menuSCALANCE W1780/W1740 according to IEEE 802.11ac Web Based ManagementConfiguration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C485-03 309